Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock “After my wife’s oocytes had been fertilized by my sperm and some of the impregnated ova have developed into embryos, we now want to know which embryo is the one most suitable for being transferred to the uterus and what our chances are to achieve a pregnancy and the birth

“You are what you eat”
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock Due to modern reproductive medicine which is aimed at identifying in detail the reasons for involuntary childlessness, the so-called “paternal effect” increasingly becomes the focus of research attention. This also holds true for the IVF Centers Prof. Zech, where the focus is placed on the medical evaluation of clinical findings

On the trail of Lindbergh
This is about pioneers, innovations and heart’s desires
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock It was Charles Lindbergh’s ambitious goal to be the first pilot to fly an aircraft non-stop across the Atlantic. This made him a pioneer in the history of aviation. Being a pioneer in the field of reproductive medicine, Prof. Herbert Zech has always been concerned with helping couples all over

Egg retrieval – Narcosis performed by experienced anesthetists
Part 4 of the topic-series »Fertility treatment procedure«
[← article overview of the topic-series »Fertility treatment procedure«] Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock In order to provide couples undergoing IVF treatment with optimum treatment conditions, the specialists at the IVF Centers Prof. Zech in Bregenz are supported by a team of anesthetists – the Bodensee ANÄSTHESIE GbR. The medical specialists Michael Brandt, Erich Goldscheider

Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock The hormonal stimulation of the woman can give the decisive impetus for the long-awaited offspring. The body is gently prepared for pregnancy. Ovarian stimulation is aimed at inducing the maturation of multiple that contain the maturing oocytes. This requires a targeted and perfectly timed approach. It is actually comparable to

When the immune system is “up to no good”
Icon Image …then these patients suffer from so-called autoimmune diseases, such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. The disorder leads to a chronic inflammation of the thyroid, thus impairing the reproductive health of these patients. Patients undergoing treatment at the IVF Centers Prof. Zech are routinely tested for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and, if necessary, receive appropriate treatment. The disorder

When pregnancy either fails to occur or ends tragically…
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock …the underlying causes will be investigated. Couples who failed to conceive after several IVF attempts or who experienced recurrent pregnancy loss or repeated miscarriages are under particular strain. Worldwide, IVF specialists work feverishly on analyzing the reasons for miscarriages and embryo implantation failure in order to be able to provide

Risks and side effects lurk in everyday life …
Risks and side effects lurk in everyday life …
Whether it is about foodstuffs, body care products, cleaning agents or other everyday items, we are constantly exposed to various additives, emulsifiers, flavor enhancers, preserving agents, colorants, chemicals and many other harmful substances. Depending on their relevant substance class and quantity, these compounds may present a health hazard, can be irritant, poisonous and/or have a negative impact on our reproductive health.