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“I’m not a real woman, because I’m not able to have children”

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Women and their partners – who, for a long time, have been struggling in vain to conceive – talk about the above and many other thoughts and feelings associated with their situation.

It is in particular the social environment that fuels such thoughts by quotes like: “Now you are married. And what about…? When will you finally have a baby?”. One feels embarrassed and even slightly ashamed and does not know how to deal with the fact of not being able to get pregnant while other couples seem to have no difficulties at all.

According to statistics, one in five couples is in a similar situation, i.e. affected by unintentional childlessness. So, what could be done?

In order to finally realize their dream of having a child, many couples seek medical help – commonly known as “artificial insemination”. This term covers both the diagnostic and therapeutic options provided by medically assisted reproduction (reproductive medicine).

The determination of the causes by experienced clinicians is a key step in this process

Basically, you should make sure to consult an experienced medical specialist, e.g. at the IVF Zentren Prof. Zech (Member of NEXTCLINICS). The team is well known for providing the best possible care, both professional and personal, especially for couples who have tried in vain for years to get pregnant.

If a couple decides to undergo “artificial insemination”, it is important, first of all, to investigate the underlying causes of the infertility. Disorders affecting the female reproductive organs (such as endometriosis, occlusion of the fallopian tubes, PCO syndrome), hormonal imbalances or advanced maternal age (i.e. women choosing to have children later in life) are often at the root of female infertility. In other cases, however, sperm quality is less than satisfactory. Genetic causes may also play a role.

An in-depth interview with a physician “sets the course”

It is up to the treating specialists and biologists to detail the individual steps along the path towards the much longed-for child. The so-called initial consultation marks the start of the treatment (→ for more details). It serves the purpose of investigating in detail the couple’s individual situation in order to decide on the appropriate diagnostics and therapies. In this respect, all information supporting the medical indication, on the legal framework conditions as well as on the potential risks must be clarified during the initial consultation.

What exactly is meant by customized diagnostics and therapies?


  • Diagnosis, Hormonal Status, Ultrasound Examination
  • Molecular Sperm Diagnostics
    At the core of this examination is a spermiogram (semen analysis) by means of the IMSI technique and molecular biological methods. (→ learn more)
  • IMSI – Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection
    The assessment of sperm quality as well as the selection of the best spermatozoa can be improved by using state-of-the-art microscopy technologies, such as the IMSI technique. (→ learn more)
  • Egg Donation
    There are many reasons why couples might opt for egg donation, e.g. the woman’s age, cancer treatment, premature menopause. (→ learn more).
  • Genetics
    Couples who meet the appropriate requirements may benefit from an analysis performed on the oocyte or the embryo prior to its transfer to the uterine cavity. This approach is aimed at identifying or excluding genetic abnormalities. (→ learn more)

The goal is an intact pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child, such as the Medical Director of the NEXTCLINIC IVF Zentren Prof. Zech – Bregenz, Dr. Maximilian Murtinger, in conclusion emphasizes:

M. Murtinger

“We attach particular importance to the safety of our patients and the quality of our work. We are dedicated to establish trusting relationships with the couples treated at our facilities. The best thing about our work is that it enables us to help those couples realize their long cherished dream of having a child of their own”.

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