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Fear of injections?


Fear of injections?

If so, you are only one among many! For many patients, the start of an IVF treatment is associated with a great deal of discomfort, since the regular injections of hormone preparations present a major challenge to them. This is perfectly normal and absolutely understandable. Most patients, however, will get used to giving themselves injections after having overcome the demanding initial phase. After all, the injections bring you closer to fulfilling your dream of conceiving and giving birth to your longed-for child.


Having kids despite non-vital sperm


No man wants to hear it – yet it is possible that the involuntary childlessness is due to male-related fertility issues resp. poor semen quality. Luckily, there are now techniques permitting to conceive children in spite of male factor subfertility.  


Higher fertilization rates using 3D ultrasound technology


Higher fertilization rates using 3D ultrasound technology

Eggs obtained during follicular puncture following 3D ultrasound monitoring feature a higher fertilization rate. This is evidenced by a direct comparison between conventional 2D ultrasound and the new and more precise 3D ultrasound technology.

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