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Mag. rer. nat. Anton Neyer

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In the evaluation of male fertility through the analysis of a semen sample under a microscope, the desired outcome is to see a lot of “good swimmers” among the spermatozoa – although this still says little or nothing about their morphology and inner structure. Thanks to modern technologies, it is now possible to go into this in greater detail. This is done by extending semen analysis beyond the existing WHO criteria by adding so-called molecular diagnostics.

WHO criteria to serve as the basis

A spermiogram (semen analysis) implies an analysis of the ejaculate on the basis of standardized investigation methods and associated reference values laid down by the World Health Organization (WHO).
This spermiogram forms the foundation and provides a first overview of the situation as regards concentration, motility, vitality, structure and morphology of the spermatozoa. However, when dealing with involuntary childlessness, these parameters alone may not be sufficient for reliable detection of male factor infertility. Artikel lesen

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| Additional information as part of the semen analysis can be provided by molecular biological assessment of sperm quality

Stress test for spermatozoa

July 13th, 2013

Egg and sperm contribute equally to the successful development of the embryo. Nuclear vacuoles in the sperm head are associated with reduced natural fertility in men. Questions arise about what causes the nuclear vacuolization.

Do we, as biologists, even promote the development of vacuoles in the laboratory without knowing?

Analysis of nuclear vacuoles at 6.000-X magnification

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Home Articles posted by Mag. rer. nat. Anton Neyer