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Support through hypnosis

| Part 3 of the topic-series » Trying to conceive after a miscarriage«


[← article overview of the topic-series »Trying to conceive after a miscarriage«] Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock Depending on the intensity of the desire to have children, a miscarriage may have a shattering psychological effect for those concerned. This is often perceived as an additional pressure, particularly in cases where fertility treatment is reconsidered to



Hypnosis in fertility treatment

| When does it make sense and how does it work?


Icon image | Hypnosis to quit smoking, for weight loss, as an aid to psychotherapy … … to name just a few areas that hypnotherapy has been successfully applied to. But what about using this “tool” when dealing with unintended childlessness and during IVF treatment? As a clinical psychologist at the IVF Zentren Prof.



Dealing with the Loss

| Part 1 of the topic-series »Trying to conceive after a miscarriage«


[← article overview of the topic-series »Trying to conceive after a miscarriage«] Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock As already announced, our topic-series shall, inter alia, give you an idea of how important it may be to seek psychological assistance after a miscarriage – in particular when the couple still shares the desire of having children.



Trying to conceive after a miscarriage


Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock A miscarriage is undoubtedly one of the worst things that can happen to a couple on their path towards their long awaited child. For those couples, it is something of a personal disaster to give up on their dream for which they had accepted much hardship and in which they



“A chance, that a child may arise”

Psychological support for couples with unfulfilled desire for children – Part 2


Fertility-Treatment BLOG interview with clinical psychologist Mag. Karl-Heinz Brandt: (Click here to read the first part of the interview) Mag. Karl-Heinz Brandt(l) | Rene Winsauer(r) Mr. Brandt, the IVF Centers Prof. Zech offer their patients the possibility to have access to psychological counseling. We have already talked about situations in which this option may prove



“Why do all the others get pregnant but I don’t?”

Psychological support for couples with unfulfilled desire for children – Part 1


Fertility-Treatment BLOG interview with clinical psychologist Mag. Karl-Heinz Brandt: Mag. Karl-Heinz Brandt(l) | Rene Winsauer(r) Mr. Brandt, the IVF Centers Prof. Zech offer their patients the possibility to benefit from psychological assistance, if desired. What does this assistance look like in detail? Mag. Brandt: The support is geared to issues of particular concern to the


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